Welcome to jSign!

Our jSign application provides simple and secure electronic-signature services. Whether you’re signing a document or need to collect signatures, jSign makes electronic signing a breeze. You can upload documents, invite others to sign, and get notified instantly when signatures are completed. Explore the following features to streamline your signing experience:

  • Sign a variety of document formats (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .txt .ppt, .pptx, .bmp, .jpeg, .jpg, .png) in multiple ways (predefined, snapshot, drawing, uploaded file). jSign supports standard* Adobe PDF files. (*Standard PDF files do not include unflattened PDFs, encrypted PDFs, password-protected PDFs, or PDF/A-3 file types.)

  • Users, both account holders and guest signers, can sign their documents directly without the need to log in.

  • Navigate through your signing queue with ease. After you sign any document, jSign automatically prompts you to sign the next one, if multiple documents are in your signing queue. This eliminates the need to juggle between emails and the jSign app.

  • Easily generate templates from frequently used or sent documents.

  • Send documents to multiple signers or witnesses, and have them sign in a specific order, if required.

  • Set signing due dates, and send automatic reminders.

  • Ensure the authenticity of signatures (via two-factor authentication, certificate tracking, timestamps, location binding), keeping documents free from tampering.

  • Integrate with Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive for easy reference, and save signed documents in the cloud.

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